Sleep escapes every new parent. Without sleep, we worry about our judgement and ability to look after our precious little ones.
To get a good understanding of how parents today feel about their baby’s sleep, we ran a survey with 700 parents. In which, 87% of parents told us they have struggled with broken sleep since having a baby and sadly, nearly half claimed it had been worse than they had imagined it would be. 69% admitted that managing their baby’s sleep routine was more complex than they thought it would be. And, just over half of the parents felt under pressure to get their baby to sleep through the night.

The Sound Asleep Coach
Parenthood is hard at the best of times and when you throw sleep deprivation and self-doubt into the mix, it is easy to become overwhelmed. One of the hardest challenges you’ll face is trying to sift through all the conflicting advice out there and constantly questioning your every move when it comes to your baby and their sleep.
We have partnered with Emily McInnes, who is also known as The Sound Asleep Coach. She is a Paediatric Nurse and Holistic Sleep Coach and an advocate for normalising infant and toddler sleep and respecting the biological normal behaviour of a baby. Her approach focuses on responsive; attachment parenting and she supports parents by optimising sleep-in babies and toddlers in a gentle manner.

Meet your perfect co-sleeping solution
We've got everything you need in our range of baby sleep products, whether you are at home or away. With Graco you can help your baby nod off peacefully and safely, so they get the rest that they need to grow and develop. And if they're happily sleeping, then you can try to get some much-needed shut-eye too!

Side-By-Side is the sensational sleeping solution that stays by your side from day to night and from here to there. Keep baby close in this snug bassinet that creates the perfect snoozing spot from the moment they arrive home. With its lightweight and sleek frame, you can easily move it from room to room as you go about your day.