Pinterest: A Blessing and A Curse For Mothers

Pinterest: A Blessing and A Curse For Mothers

Posted by Claire on 13th Aug 2015

Social Media is both a blessing and a curse for mums, it allows us to feel connected and inspired but very often Pinterest and Instagram can leave us feeling inadequate. ‘Pinterest worthy’ is a phrase that has crept into our vocabulary, suggesting we only share things that are just so, this allows the world to think that we live out our days as a domestic goddess.

A quick peruse on Pinterest showcases a mixture of homemade cakes, teepees lit with fairy lights and beautifully decorated homes. In that snapshot it can often feel like we are seeing into some ones whole life, this makes it easy for you to feel like your life should also look like the pages of Vogue. What is not visible in the images, are the hours of preparation and weekends spent in paint covered clothes to design and decorate that Pinterest worthy bedroom. Whilst stunningly beautiful what we must remember is just like your child, theirs too will play in there and just like your child, theirs too will make a mess.


Every day I take lots of photos, they are little moments of life which are then posted on to the internet. This could be anything; a beautiful view, weekend cocktails, and the occasional inspirational quote. To the outside world life is great but a picture often does not tell a whole story. I do not take pictures of the Sunday hangover or the stressful day at work and I guess this is a similar story for many others, because why would we want people to know our lives are anything less than perfect.

Often, the photo isn't intentionally deceptive of real life, but sometimes life is so stressful that we try and hold on to those idyllic moments just a little longer by taking a photo. Being a mother is hard and does not come without its own pressures, so if you cake doesn't look like it was baked by Delia Smith it’s okay, your child won’t refuse to eat it because it hasn't been repinned.


For new mums facing the pressures of social media remember that the first few months are one of a kind and every day moves towards a time of more sleep and less outfit changes. As pretty as their Instagram accounts may look, all the other mothers in the world are experiencing sleepless nights and nappy changes… just like you.

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