Our Adventures with the Maclaren Atom

Our Adventures with the Maclaren Atom

Posted by Sunvill on 9th Oct 2019

A few weeks ago Pramworld kindly sent us the new Maclaren Atom to review. Luckily for us it arrived just before our very first little family holiday so we put it to the test in the most extreme situations and I’m pleased to say it performed beautifully in all of them!

Maclaren Atom Adventure Image 1

Unboxing and assembly

When the box with the Atom arrived I couldn’t believe how small it was! The buggy was super easy to put together and required only minimal assembly. You can unfold the buggy with just one hand (perfect if you’re holding a baby!). Folding the Atom is a two stage action where first you fold the backrest, then using a two step slide and pull button underneath the buggy you collapse it. There’s also a little red lock to keep the chassis secure and prevent accidental unfolding. The Atom folds into a neat little package and much to my delight, it was dinky enough to fit in the overhead locker of the plane, meaning we didn’t have to worry about waiting to collect it or about it potentially getting damaged in transit! Our Atom came with a bag, perfect to protect it during transport or storage.

Another thing I was really happy about was the size of the shopping basket. For such a small pushchair I have to say the shopping basket is still a very good size!

Maclaren Atom Adventure Image 2

Breeze to push

I love the fact the Atom’s handle is a one piece bar unlike umbrella type strollers with two handles. It means you can push it literally with one finger and it’s much easier to steer! It was super easy to manoeuvre with one hand and I still had a hand spare to carry a suitcase. The wheels offer a very smooth drive and I was impressed with the suspension, something you don’t normally get with little buggies! The Atom managed to ride over most surfaces without any major problems, even cobble paths! The front wheels can be stopped from swivelling with push of a button which was great on the unique pushchair ramps they have on stairs around Poland. The wheels come complete with added reflective rims offering high visibility, perfect when out and about after dusk. When needed the brake is easily accessible, and flip flop friendly too!

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Unique fabric

Atom’s fabric is a lovely breathable mesh, allowing air to circulate freely. It means your little one will stay nice and cool during hot summer months. Clever design to the fabric will also lock in the warmth in the colder months! Additionally, Atom came with a reversible seat liner offering two funky designs for mums who like to change the look of their pushchairs often. Seat liners are nicely padded and offer extra comfort and added warmth for winter and protect the main seat unit fabric from getting dirty.

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Extendable, breathable hood

The sun canopy is very sturdy, and probably one of the biggest on the market! You can easily extend the canopy to it’s maximum size by unzipping it. The hood is equipped with a little peek-a-boo window at the top, allowing you to check on your baby and there are two additional mesh windows on each side of the hood should extra ventilation be needed, and a zip up pocket at the back for your belongings. There’s also a pop out UV sun visor. Atom’s hood has built in UPF50 protection and it’s waterproof!

Maclaren Atom Hood

The seat, harness and raincover

The seat is extra roomy, it also lays completely flat which I really like as Dexter tends to sleep in the pushchair. He looked very comfortable and snug, and the huge canopy gave him extra privacy when snoozing. Atom comes with a safe 5-point harness, very easy to do up and adjust if needed. Atom’s raincover comes with a printed design to match the buggy’s design. It covers the entire pushchair and secures neatly with a velcro. Multiple air vents in the raincover offer great ventilation so no more steaming up. Dexter stayed cosy and dry even though the heaviest rain! And could always see the world pass by!

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Additional accessories

If you fancy adding extra storage room to your Atom you can purchase a matching buggy organiser. It secures to the handle bar with velcro, giving you additional space for wallet, phone or keys and two bottles. Perfect for keeping all the important bits and bobs within reach. Like previously mentioned, Atom comes with double sided seat liner, however if you fancied something different you can also purchase additional seat liners in many lovely designs.

Maclaren Atom Accessories

Perfect urban/holiday pushchair

I think Atom makes an amazing holiday pushchair and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s compact, lightweight, it comes with a carry strap meaning you can transport it easily, and I’d say it’s a perfect choice for any family planning flying with a buggy. Save yourself the stress of having to check the pushchair in! It made our flight much more relaxed and I felt relieved I didn’t have to worry about our pushchair getting damaged! I travel on public transport daily and again, when space is limited (morning hours on the bus) having a little pushchair like the Maclaren Atom works a treat! Atom’s small footprint means I can always easily find a spot to park it in the buggy bay at nursery and when it comes to storing it when not in use Atom it small and compact enough to fit in our cupboard under the stairs! Atom is sporty and a cute looking pushchair, perfect for any busy family. Thumbs up from us! You can shop the Maclaren Atom here.

Maclaren Atom & Nicolaus Copernicus

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